Sweet Renegade Read online

Page 5

  “What is with you?” She huffs, motioning toward my partially covered erection.

  I give her an incredulous look. “First off, I’m a guy. Second, there is a seriously sexy woman wearing nothing but my T-shirt. That tends to turns a guy on, you know?”

  Lizette gapes at me. I’d bet money that she is blushing, but in the dark, I really can’t tell. She crosses her arms over her chest to cover her breasts. I take the two steps that put me right in front of her. I bend down close enough so that my lips brush her ear when I speak.

  “I know you won’t, but I really wish you would come to my room instead of going back to yours,” I whisper to her.

  My heart leaps in my chest when I hear her breath catch. Hope fills me for a moment. She seems to be just as affected by me as I am of her. My body is aching to be close to her. I slowly and hesitantly slide my hands over her hips to her luscious ass. I drag my mouth down to her neck as I pull her hips flush against mine. My throbbing cock nestles right against her belly. I can’t help the groan that slips past my lips. I work the T-shirt up over her ass so that I’m able to grip her thong-clad flesh.

  “Oh my god,” I breathe against her neck when I get two handfuls of her bare ass.

  My hips involuntarily thrust against her, creating delicious friction. I am seriously close to coming in my underwear. She feels so good in my arms. I kiss her throat. Her head actually tilts to the side to give me better access. Yes! She wants me!

  A throat clearing behind me has my head whipping around. Leila grimaces and mouths “Sorry” as she moves past us to get to her room. Goddammit! I turn back to Lizette only to have her push away from me, a hard expression on her face.

  “Lizette…” I try.

  “No! No more! I don’t want you!” She hisses at me then shoves past me and shuts herself in the bathroom.

  She’s a friggin’ liar. How can she say that she doesn’t want me, yet melt every time she’s in my arms? I go to my room and shut the door. I’m on a mission now. I know that she wants me, and I am going to get her. She might fight me tooth and nail, but I’m not going to give up. I will get my girl.


  I don’t know how I let this happen, and honestly at the moment I can care less because Beau’s incredible body is on top of me, making mind-blowing love to me. He kisses me slowly as he thrusts into me over and over. I glide my hands over his shoulders and down his back to grip his firm ass and pull him deeper. We both moan into each other’s mouths. I’m so close; a few more of his deep thrusts are going to send me over the edge. Suddenly, an annoying beeping sound interrupts our lovemaking. Beau looks around confused and my concentration is broken.

  My eyes fly open. I quickly sit up and look around. No Beau. Holy hell! That was some dream! I could have sworn that Beau was right here with me. My heart is pounding and my thong is soaked through. Shit! That dream was so real. If my alarm never went off, I have no doubt that I would have orgasmed in my sleep.

  My mind drifts back to last night when Beau got a hold of me in the hallway. His big hands palmed my ass while he kissed my neck. His erection rubbed against my stomach. And from what I felt, he’s a very big boy. Shivers of need course down my spine. God dammit! I need to get out of here, as soon as possible. I clamber out of bed and dress in my wrinkled clothes, grab my lap top bag and purse, and then head downstairs. I really don’t give a shit how I look, I have to get to the airport and get home where I will make sure that I’m never alone with Beau again.

  Regina is in the kitchen cooking breakfast when I walk in. Kaden is sitting at the table reading the newspaper and drinking a cup of coffee. He looks like he’s been up for hours. Leila, too, is sitting at the table. She has a cup of orange juice in front of her and a book. She glances up when I walk into the kitchen and gives me a knowing grin. I can’t help the blush that creeps up my cheeks. I have to get out of here before Beau shows up.

  “I gotta head out, Regina, thank you for your hospitality. I hope to see you again soon,” I say.

  Regina turns around. “You’re not gonna stay for breakfast? I’m making chocolate chip pancakes,” she says.

  “As tempting as that sounds, I really have to get to the airport and get home,” I say graciously, giving Regina a hug.

  “Alright, sweetie, have a good flight,” Regina says reluctantly.

  “Tell Beau goodbye for me,” I say and start for the door. “Bye Kaden, bye Leila.”

  Kaden lifts a hand without looking up and Leila calls out a “See ya!” after me, and I rush out the front door, down the porch steps. I make it to my rental and toss my bags on the front passenger seat. I’m just about to climb into the driver’s seat when a hand grabs my elbow and spins my around. I gasp at a frowning Beau.

  “Were you really gonna leave without saying goodbye to me?” Beau asks, his tone hard.

  I can see the hurt and disappointment swirling in his blue eyes. He’s wearing only a pair of jeans and flip-flops. His brown hair is a mess and his stubble is thicker than ever. Damn him and his rugged handsomeness!

  “Shit,” I mutter and pinch the bridge of my nose. “Yes,” I admit reluctantly.

  Beau suddenly relinquishes his hold on my elbow, making me stumble slightly. “Damn, Lizzie, that’s cold,” he rasps.

  I look up at him, hating the way he is looking at me. “How many times do I have to tell you not to call me ‘Lizzie’?” I snap. That nickname is reserved for my brother and boyfriends.

  “Why can’t I call you ‘Lizzie’?” Beau asks seriously.

  “Because it suggests a level of comfort and intimacy that we don’t share. I am your manager, nothing else, it’s unprofessional to call me by a nickname,” I say, keeping my voice firm and steady.

  “So was kissing me considered professional then?” Beau asks bitterly.

  “You kissed me, not the other way around,” I inform him.

  “Yeah well, you let me kiss you…twice. And do I have to remind you about what happened in the hallway? I would say we’ve gotten pretty intimate,” Beau grunts, crossing his arms over his large and muscular bare chest.

  Did the man ever wear a shirt? Christ!

  I feel the heat rise up my face from both embarrassment and anger. Angry at myself for letting all of that happen in the first place and anger toward Beau for throwing it back in my face. I don’t bother responding because really, what can I say? I just get into the car and slam the door shut, starting the engine and driving away. I glance in the rearview mirror and see Beau angrily bang his fist on the hood of the beat up blue pickup truck that had been parked next to me.

  I sigh. I will not let him get to me. He can be mad all he wants. Maybe it will help him get over his little crush. He still has three days before having to come back to New York. Hopefully by then he will have cooled down and things can get back to normal, or as normal as possible.

  I go right from JFK airport to my office at Big Time Inc., who provides managers not only for musicians but also for actors, dancers, and writers. When I get there, Danielle hands me a stack of messages at least an inch thick. I can only gape at it. Danielle winces and promises to bring me a cup of coffee. I go into my private bathroom and freshen up some. I redo my makeup and brush out my hair before pulling it back into a bun at the back of my neck. Thank god I’ve left extra clothes here, just in case. I change into my spare outfit then go out to tackle the pile from hell.

  Every message is in regards to either Renegade’s promotional tour or their world tour. It takes me hours to get back to everyone who has called. Once that is all taken care of, I go over a few contracts that have been faxed over before calling it a day and heading home.

  I walk in my front door, kick off my shoes, and drop my keys in the bowl on the console table. I head into the living room and plop down on the couch next to Denny. He chuckles at me and drapes his arm around my shoulders.

  “Hey there, Lizzie. Doing okay?” he asks.

  I rest my head on my shoulder. “I’m beat.”

  “Long couple of days, huh? How was West Virginia?”

  “Green…really, really green,” I mutter.

  Denny hums. “And how was Beau?”

  “I don’t want to talk about him,” I grumble.

  Dennis nudges me with his shoulder, making my head bounce. “Come on, now, you know you can talk to me. What happened?”

  I groan and lean forward, resting my elbows on my knees before dropping my face into my hands. “He kissed me, Denny.”


  “It was incredible,” I whisper, hating to even admit that out loud.

  “Okay, so why is that bothering you?” he asks, placing a comforting hand on my back.

  “Because I wanted it to suck!” I huff, pushing to my feet to pace the floor in front of the coffee table. “I don’t want to like him; I don’t want to want him!” I whine.

  “Why not? I don’t understand what your beef is with him,” Denny says, shaking his head in confusion.

  “Denny, he’s seven years younger than me - seven. Say we get together and we’re going good for however long and then suddenly he realizes that…oh shit, my girlfriend is old…I’m Beau Kennedy - I can get any girl I want, I don’t want this thirty-five year old when I can have a twenty-five year old,” I say, lowering my voice mockingly, while waving my arms around as I talk.

  “Ahhh, so that’s what you’re afraid of. You think he would eventually trade you in for a younger model,” he says in understanding then leans back against the couch as he crosses his arms over his chest, his green eyes follow me as I pace.

  “Among other things. He is still my client. I can’t jeopardize my relationship with the group, they are my only clients at the moment and I have my hands full with them as it is. It would be a huge loss for not only me but also Big Time Inc. if they fire me. Plus, I don’t want him to ever find out about mom and dad, that shit is mortifying enough.”

  Denny nods in understanding. “You like him, though, don’t you?”

  I sigh heavily. “Yeah, I guess. I mean, I felt things when he kissed me that I’ve never felt with anyone else. And god knows he is handsome and built,” I say, fanning myself at the memory of him in just his briefs and nothing else.

  “I think you should give him a chance.” Dennis shrugs.

  “No! Not gonna happen! Too many things can go wrong and it’s not worth the risk.” I shake my head fervently; I will not give in. Not now, not ever.

  Dennis rolls his eyes. “You’re impossible.”

  Chapter Four


  I still to this day can’t figure out how people find me. I had no problem flying into West Virginia; I kept a low profile wearing a baseball cap pulled down low and sunglasses, and I rented a car and drove to my mother’s ranch by myself. My bodyguard followed me to make sure that I got there okay, but once I was behind the gates of the ranch, he left, staying in town at a hotel for the remainder of the trip. Now, I’m back in New York, surrounded at baggage claim. My bodyguard, Rob, has to call in airport security and NYPD to help control the crowd. I start signing autographs and taking pictures to help calm the screaming mob of girls and women. Rob keeps me moving though and we eventually make it out to the waiting SUV.

  I get in the backseat while Rob sits up front with the driver, we have a police escort away from the airport. Once the police deem it safe, they back off. I sigh, staring out the window. I miss home and my family already, but I love my life and am grateful for all of the fans that love me. My mind strays to Lizette once again. She’s been on my mind since she left me high and dry a few days ago.

  Every time I close my eyes, I go back to when we were in the hallway where I got a chockfull of her ass. Oh man, what an ass she has. I’m not a complete prude; I’ve done everything with a girl with the exception of intercourse. Not a lot, but enough to know how to please a woman. Oh, how I want to please Lizette. I want to make her scream my name. Aaand… I need to stop thinking about everything I want to do to her if I want to go at least an hour without a hard-on.

  We pull into the parking garage of the condo building where I reside when I’m in New York. I have a few places that I’ve bought. I have my condo in New York, a beachfront home in Miami, Florida, and a cabin in Aspen, Colorado.

  I take the private elevator that can only be accessed with a code, up to my condo on the twentieth floor. Rob follows close behind as we walk down the hall to my door. I enter, letting Rob in behind me. He has been my personal bodyguard for a couple of years now, and we’ve become pretty close friends in that time. He is monster of a man, standing six feet five inches, a mixture of fat and muscle. The dude is just built to be a bodyguard.

  “You’ve been awfully quiet, my man, what’s going on?” Rob asks.

  “Nothin’, just got a lot on my mind,” I mumble, setting my suitcases at the mouth of the hallway that leads to my bedroom, office, guest bedroom, and bathroom.

  “You sure?” Rob asks, eyeing me suspiciously.

  I nod. Rob doesn’t need to know about the kiss. “Yeah, I’m good.”

  “Alright, then I’m gonna head out. You’re not planning on going anywhere tonight, right?”

  “Nah, I’m stayin’ in, got an early start tomorrow,” I reply.

  “No shit, five am wake up is not one of the perks of this job.” Rob snorts.

  I smirk. “No, it isn’t. I’ll see you in the morning,” I say, walking Rob to the door.

  “Yep, later dude.”

  I flop down onto my plush brown leather sofa and rub my face. I pull out my cell phone and unlock it. I pull up Lizette’s number and stare at it, debating on whether or not to hit call. What is the point in calling her? She won’t come over if I ask her to. I’m not going to apologize for kissing her because I’m going to do is again as soon as I get the chance. She probably won’t answer my call anyway. I exit her number and call Roland instead.

  “Hey man, I wasn’t sure if you were going to be back in time,” Roland answers with a chuckle.

  “Lizette came to tell me about the shortened vacay,” I murmur.

  “Oh yeah? How’d that go?” Roland asks curiously.

  “I kissed her,” I admit.

  “Aw, hell,” Roland groans. “Is she still our manager?”

  “Yes, dickhead,” I snap in response.

  “Don’t tell me that you two are together now,” Roland says skeptically.

  “No, she’s very adamant that there will never be anything between us.”

  “Why do I get the feeling that you’re not in agreement with that?”

  “Because I’m not. Man, she practically melted in my arms, even kissed me back…twice. She wants me, she just doesn’t want to admit it,” I say.

  The memory of her naked ass in my hands makes me have to shift in my seat to accommodate the growing erection in my pants.

  Roland sighs on the other end of the phone. “Maybe you should just let her be. We need her, Beau, and I don’t think it’s in the group’s best interest for you to chase her and possibly fuck up our business relationship.”

  I frown hard. That is one response that I didn’t expected Roland to say. I thought my band mate and best friend would be supportive and give me advice on how to get the girl, not tell me that I could possibly cause them to lose their manager. What the hell?

  “Beau, I know that’s not what you want to hear, but this crush you have on Lizette…” Roland starts.

  “It’s more than a crush, Roland,” I grunt.

  “…It could cost us a lot if the shit hits the fan. You don’t bite the hand that feeds you. There are plenty of other women out there that would love to be with you, Beau. I know Taylor Swift has mentioned that she’s got a thing for you.”

  My usually non-existent temper flares to life. “Fuck Taylor fucking Swift! I want a woman, not a whiny little girl who’s gonna write a nasty breakup song about me! And thanks for nothing Roland, I thought you would back me up on this!” I shout angrily into the phone before hanging up on my best
friend. Fucker.

  I toss my phone onto the couch cushion next to me. Man, I really want to hit something right now. I shove to my feet and head to my office to check my email. I need to do something to take his mind off what Roland said. I sit down at my desk and turn on my computer, pulling up my email. Holy shit! My inbox is completely full, which means that I have two thousand emails; it’s most likely a mixture of fan and hate mail. I skim the subject lines to see if anything catches my eye that I might actually want to respond to.