Sweet Renegade Read online

Page 4

  I stare down at her for a moment, studying her face. I don’t know if I should believe her or call for help. She could have serious injuries and not know it. She blinks her big green eyes at me, a soft smile on her sweet lips. Lips that I just want to devour. She gives my wrists a squeeze.

  “I’m fine, I promise,” she murmurs.

  I nod and help her slowly sit up before I make her reassess her body to see if she feels any twinges or pain anywhere. She insists that she is fine so I help her to her feet. She brushes off her pants while I help with the grass and leaves on the back of her shirt. She then glances around before looking at me, panic in her eyes.

  “Where’s Willow?” she asks.

  “Probably on her way back to the stable.” I snort. Dumbass horse. “As soon as you were off her back, she took off in that direction.”

  “Poor thing. What ran out in front of us? I only caught a glimpse.”

  “I think it was a squirrel.” I chuckle.

  Lizette laughs, brushing her hair back from her face. “So now what?”

  “You ride with me,” I say and give her a wink.

  “Aw, hell,” she groans.

  I give her a dirty look, making her snicker. Once we are both mounted, with Lizette sitting in front of me, I guide Rebel back toward the house. I swear that I have died and gone to heaven. She is finally in my arms and it feels even better than I could have ever imagined. Her hair smelled glorious, light and flowery, and her ass is pressed snuggly against my dick. Every step the horse takes makes her shift slightly, causing her ass to rub against me, causing my body to react involuntarily. Between her scent and her sexy body rubbing against mine, there is no way I could have stopped it. No way in hell.

  “I hope that’s not what I think it is,” Lizette groans. “Please tell me it’s a flashlight.”

  “Sorry, can’t help it, there’s a beautiful woman in my lap.” I snicker, totally unrepentant.

  “Jesus Christ,” she breathes.


  My body is thrumming with pent up desire. Beau’s rock hard body is pressed against my back, and his thick arms are caging me in on both sides as he holds the reins to his horse. The only thing I can think about right now is the rigid length of the erection pressed against my ass. When was the last time I had sex? I can’t remember, which is really sad, but it is not something that is a main priority in my life. I don’t miss it, either…or at least I didn’t, not until right now.

  “Give me a chance, Lizette,” he whispers, his breath tickling my cheek, making my body lock up tight.

  “No,” I reply tensely.

  “Why not?”

  “I’ve already told you a million times, Beau. I don’t date my clients and you are too young and immature for me.” I sigh. There are other reasons, too, but he doesn’t need to know all of them. My parents for one…definitely none of his business.

  Beau yanks the horse to a stop. I yelp when he grabs me and maneuvers me until I’m fully turned around, my legs draped over his. Holy shit! He manhandles me like I weigh nothing, the thought has my blood burning and heat pooling between my legs. I am now face to face with a determined Beau Kennedy – not good. His blue eyes are blazing and I can’t help but stare…and wait for him to do something.

  Beau shoves his hands into my hair as his lips descend to mine. I suck in a sharp breath through my nose when our lips meet. I’m shocked that fireworks don’t shoot out of my ears. Beau isn’t gentle, either; he’s kissing me like a man out to prove his worth, and boy is he ever. His tongue forces its way into my mouth and it’s all over. I moan and grab onto his shirt, pulling him closer. I completely lose control of my body. No man has ever kissed me like this before, as if I’m the lifeline keeping him alive.

  One of Beau’s hands snakes down my back to cup my ass. He pulls me closer then rolls his hips so his erection grinds against my core. Oh my god! My clit is throbbing in time with the pounding of my heart. I don’t know how much more of this I can take. Beau is lighting my body on fire. I’m ready to rip off my clothes and demand that he take me - right here, right now. This is not good. Especially when no other man I’ve ever been with has made me feel this way, physically or emotionally.

  I have to take back control, so I rip myself away from Beau’s devouring kiss. My fists are tangled in his T-shirt and I can’t seem to pull in enough air. Damn Beau, what is he doing to me? I reluctantly lift my gaze to his. Big mistake. His blue eyes are heavy lidded and swimming with want and need. His bow-shaped lips are parted and glistening, just begging to be kissed again. He leans in for another kiss, but I stop him.

  “No, don’t,” I pant, turning my face away so that his lips meet my cheek.

  “You can’t tell me that you don’t want it,” he breathes, his lips brushing my cheek. His voice husky, his accent more pronounced.

  “I didn’t say that, but we can’t do this,” I whisper, not trusting my voice.

  Beau grabs my chin and turns my face back so our eyes meet. He studies me for a moment. “Yes, we can,” he rumbles, sending shivers of pleasure down my spine.

  He kisses me again and I am completely lost. Sonofabitch! I try not kissing him back, but it’s impossible when his delectable tongue is in my mouth. He tastes of mint and…something that is strictly Beau. His strong arms wrap around me, tugging me flush against the solidness of his chest. I have no choice but to wrap my arms around him in return. My hands, which now have a mind of their own, find the hem of his T-shirt and slip underneath. Oh God, his skin is hot and smooth and I can feel every flex of the muscles under it.

  Beau moans low and it vibrates through my chest. I seriously almost came from that moan. I have to stop this A.S.A.P. I tear my mouth away from his again and drop my forehead to his chest. I can feel that his heart is racing and he is panting hard.

  “Can you please take us back to the house?” I ask hoarsely, keeping my head on his chest. I can’t look at him again, I can’t let him kiss me again. I’m afraid of what will happen if I do.

  Beau doesn’t say a word as he reaches for the reins and gives Rebel a little kick to get him going. The ride back is silent and filled with tension - uncomfortable silence and sexual tension. I can still feel the steely length of his cock against me as we ride. I wish I could scoot back but there is nowhere to go.

  When we get back to the stable, it is completely dark outside; the only light is coming from inside the stable and the house. The moon helps a little, but it isn’t full, so it doesn’t do too much.

  Once inside the stable, Beau slides off Rebel first, and then helps me down. As I come down off the horse, my body slides down the length of his in a slow torture. I refuse to look him in the eyes as he sets me down. He gives my hips a squeeze before releasing me. I immediately start for the house.

  Beau stays behind to unsaddle Rebel and brush him down; at least, that’s what he told me he has to do. I don’t mind, I want to get away from him and be alone for a little while anyway. I walk in the back door and make a beeline for the stairs. I don’t want to get stuck talking to Regina. I run up to the guest bedroom and shut myself inside. I go over to the bed and flop down on it, face first, fighting the urge to scream. What the hell am I supposed to do about Beau? I’d be lying to myself if I say that I’m not curious about where a relationship with him could lead. He never said anything about a relationship, though. He most likely just wants to get into my pants and that’s it. Guys his age are obsessed with sex, that’s all they can think about. I highly doubt that he wants a relationship with me. He has too many girls throwing themselves at him for him to want to be tied down to just one.

  I have no idea how long I’ve been lying here when someone knocks on the door. I force myself up to go see who it is. I’m sure it’s him. I open the door…yep…Beau is standing there, one hand jammed in his front pocket while the other holds a T-shirt. His hair is flattened to his forehead from wearing his cowboy hat all day and his scruff looks longer than it did when I first showed up this aftern
oon. He gives me a small smile and holds out the T-shirt to me.

  “Thought you might want something to sleep in,” he says softly.

  I take the T-shirt. “Thanks,” I reply quietly.

  He scrubs his hand through his hair and shifts nervously on his feet. Beau nervous? No way. “Damn Lizzie, that kiss was…” he starts, but I cut him off.

  “It’s not going to happen again, Beau,” I say firmly, seriously.

  Hurt flashes in his eyes. “Lizzie, come on…”

  “No, it’s never going to happen again and stop calling me ‘Lizzie,’” I say and shut the door in his face.

  I can’t stand to look at the hurt and disappointment in his eyes any longer. Especially after feeling everything I felt when he kissed me. I get that he likes me, but he’ll get over it, it’s just a crush. I go over to the bed and strip out of the borrowed clothes. I get a waft of horse and sweat and just…ew. I need a shower. I reluctantly pull the clothes back on, grab the T-shirt that Beau gave me, and go to the door. I crack it open and peek out, making sure that Beau is nowhere to be seen. I slink down to the bathroom, shutting myself inside and locking the door. I drop the T-shirt on the sink counter then grab a towel out of the closet before going over to the shower and turning it on.

  I take off the nasty horse smelling clothes again and climb in. The spray is hot and feels so good. I quickly wash up, shut off the water, and grab the towel. After I dry off, I pull on the T-shirt that he gave me. It’s one of his, of course, so it’s nice and long, coming down to my knees. I pull in a deep breath, hoping to relax, but I groan when his smell from the shirt hits my nose. I sigh and gather up the dirty clothes and shove them into the hamper. I open the bathroom door and peek into the hallway again. No Beau. I quickly race back to my room and close myself in.

  I finger comb my hair before I grab my phone out of my purse, checking to see if there is a signal, but nope, nothing. Dammit! I really want to talk to Dennis. I put my phone back and climb into bed before turning out the lights. I do my best to forget about that kiss and just go to sleep.

  Chapter Three


  Frustration eats at me. For the life of me, I can’t understand why Lizette is still refusing me. That kiss was explosive. How can she not want more? Not like I would know a lot about the “more,” but I do know that I want it…badly. I also know being twenty-three and still a virgin isn’t the coolest thing, but I really don’t give a fuck. I have my reasons for waiting. One of them is because of my mother; I want her to be proud of me, not look at me and think “Man whore.” I don’t date fans and I have only had four other relationships that didn’t last long. It’s hard to be in a relationship and keep it out of the spotlight, which is what I want, even though it’s not entirely possible.

  I could really use Roland’s advice right now. Roland is my go-to guy when I need help. He gives great advice and always knows the right thing to say. I sigh. I can’t friggin’ sleep. I toss the covers off my legs and head down to the kitchen to grab a beer. I’m feeling antsy and this hard-on I’ve been sporting since earlier is refusing to go away completely, even after a cold shower and jerking off.

  The house is dark as I pad down the hall toward the steps in only my royal blue Calvin Klein briefs. I turn on the light over the sink once in the kitchen then go to the fridge to grab a beer. Hopefully a few beers will relax me enough so that I can get some sleep. I crack open the first one and down half of it in one gulp, letting out a huge burp afterward. I laugh to myself. I lean my ass against the counter, one hand holding my beer, the other resting on the countertop. I use the hand resting on the countertop to start tapping out a tune.

  Next I start to hum. My favorite song at the moment is Blurred Lines by Robin Thicke, so that is what starts coming out. I finish off the first beer and open the second. I start singing the song quietly to myself. After the third beer, I’m singing in falsetto and dancing in my mother’s kitchen in my underwear. I’m not drunk, just bored and alone and trying to pass some time.

  I have my back to the kitchen doorway as I’m shakin’ my ass and singing into my beer bottle. I hear stifled laughter from behind me and whip around to find Leila filming me with her phone, while covering her mouth to quiet her laughter. I instantly feel the heat rush up my face as I drop my hands to cover the front of my underwear. Leila bursts out laughing. I’m talking about the hold-your-stomach-you’re-laughing-so-hard - kind of laughing. She stops taping me but continues to laugh.

  “Oh…my…god! That’s so going on YouTube!” she cries, slapping her thigh.

  “Leila! Don’t you dare!” I warn.

  She moves farther into the kitchen, her laughter slowly dying. “What the hell are you doing?”

  “I couldn’t sleep,” I mumble. “What are you doing down here?”

  “I heard you singing and had to come investigate,” she answers, her eyes shimmering with humor. “And boy, am I glad I did!”

  “Leila, don’t you dare put that on YouTube,” I warn again, this time pointing a finger at her.

  Leila waves a dismissive hand at me. “Don’t worry, I wouldn’t do that to you. Although, I think your fans would love it.”

  I roll my eyes, no doubt they would. I turn around to face the counter. “Go back to bed, I’m just having a couple of beers so I can sleep,” I grumble, sucking down the rest of my beer.

  “I’m awake now,” she says.

  I hear her open the fridge, take something out and then shut the fridge. A moment later, a cold bottle presses against the middle of my back.

  “Ahhhh!” I squawk, arching and going up on tiptoe to get away from the cold bottle.

  Leila snickers. She then sets a bottle of beer in front of me. I give her a nasty look over my shoulder. She just rolls her eyes at me as she props herself up against the counter next to me. She crosses her arms over her chest and watches me for a moment.

  “So, what’s up with you and this Lizette chick?” she asks.

  I shake my head. “Apparently nothing,” I mutter, taking a swig from my new bottle of beer.

  “What does that mean?” Leila asks, confused.

  “We kissed earlier, but she says it’ll never happen again,” I explain, running a hand through my short hair. My sister and I are pretty close, even with our age difference. I have no problem talking to her about anything.

  “Why not?”

  “She says that she doesn’t date her clients, and I’m too young for her.”

  “Eh, that’s understandable,” Leila says with a shrug.

  I almost choke on my beer. What the hell? “What? You’re agreeing with her?” I wheeze.

  “They are two very logical reasons. No dating clients is a good rule, it’s smart. And you are, what? Six or seven years younger than her? That’s a huge difference when it’s a younger guy and an older woman, you guys don’t mature as fast as we women do,” Leila says, matter-o-factly.

  Damn her for making it sound logical. She’s too smart for her own good.

  “Who the hell asked you anyway,” I grumble, picking at the label on my beer bottle.

  “Sorry. Was the kiss good?” She grins and wags her eyebrows.

  “Out of this world.” I sigh. “I never wanted it to end.”

  Leila studies me again. It is a little too shrewd of a gaze coming from my little sister and it makes me shift uncomfortably. “Huh,” she grunts. “You really like her, don’t you?”

  I just hum my agreement as I finish off the beer in my hand. I grab the four bottles in front of me and toss them in the recycling bin. “I’m goin’ to bed, goodnight munchkin,” I mutter, giving her a kiss on the forehead before heading for the stairs.

  As I hit the top step, the guest bedroom door opens and Lizette steps out. Holy sex goddess! She’s wearing only the T-shirt I gave her, so her legs and feet are bare. The T-shirt stops just above her knees. I can also tell that she’s not wearing a bra because her nipples are visibly hard. She doesn’t have huge boobs, probably just enoug
h to fill my hands, and that is totally fine by me. Her hair is piled on top of her head and I can tell that she is still half-asleep. Instant boner. I shift it so that it’s off to the side, over my hip, and not sticking out of the top of my underwear. I don’t think Lizette would find that funny in the slightest, even though I would.

  She starts toward me, most likely on her way to the bathroom. She rubs her eyes and finally glances up. She lets out a little shriek when she sees me standing at the top of the steps, quickly covering her mouth to cut off the sound. Her eyes are now wide and she is completely awake. She lowers her hands to her heaving chest.

  “Jesus, Beau, you scared the shit out of me,” she whispers harshly.

  “Sorry,” I mutter with a lopsided grin. I’m really not sorry at all.

  Her eyes widen even more as she her gaze roams down my practically nude body. I stand there and let her look. I like that she’s looking at me. I have nothing to hide. When her eyes land on the hard-on I’m now sporting and can’t fully cover behind my hands, her lips part slightly. She blinks a few times before shaking her head as if to clear it and lifts her eyes back up to mine.