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Sweet Renegade Page 6
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Page 6
I respond to one hundred emails, all of which were from fans exclaiming their love for me. I write something personal and different for each one. I scan a little more and freeze when I see Lizette’s email address. My heart suddenly picks up speed as I open her email.
I’m sorry for being such a bitch to you the other day. It’s been eating at me since I left and I felt the need to apologize. Don’t think this changes anything between us, though, because it doesn’t. We are friends and I want to remain that way. See you soon.
I read her email over and over. I’m shocked that she apologized. I never thought in a million years that she would have apologized to me. She is not the kind of woman who admits her mistakes often. I’m hopeful that maybe she does feel something for me and that’s why she felt the need to apologize. I can’t see this just being purely professional. I get up and go back into the living room to get my phone. I pull up her number and hit call before I can change my mind.
The phone rings three times before she picks up. “Please tell me that you are back in New York and not stuck in West Virginia,” she answers without so much as a hello.
“I’m in New York,” I reply.
“Thank God. Is everything okay? Why are you calling me?” she asks, sounding slightly concerned.
“I just read your email.”
“Oh,” she murmurs softly.
“I accept your apology,” I say quietly.
“That’s good,” she whispers.
“There is just one problem with it.” I sigh, knowing she’s going to hate what I have to say.
“What’s that?” she asks hesitantly.
“You know I don’t want to be just friends with you,” I say, my voice lowering to a husky growl as thoughts of the kisses we shared pop into my head.
I hear Lizette sigh heavily on the other end. “Please, Beau, I’m begging you, just stop.”
Pain slices into my heart. “I can’t, Lizette, not when you’re all I can think about. I thought I couldn’t stop thinkin’ about you before we kissed, but now…now that I know what it’s like to have you in my arms, I’m not going to let you get away without a fight,” I promise her.
“Beau,” she says, her voice pained. “Just because we kissed doesn’t mean that I feel anything for you. You’re a gorgeous guy with a hot body, but I don’t feel anything more for you and never will.”
My chest tightens at her harsh words. “I refuse to believe that,” I rasp.
“I gotta go, Beau, I’m not going to argue with you,” she says wearily and hangs up on me.
I fight the urge to smash my phone into a million pieces. Why is she fighting our obvious attraction to each other? I still think that she is lying. Actions speak louder than words, and the way that she clutched at my T-shirt and pulled me closer when we kissed, told me that she wanted me. Women who don’t want the man kissing them do not kiss them back like they are the last man on earth. When I see her tomorrow, I am going to call her out on her lying and prove to her that she does want me.
I so do not want to see Beau today. After our conversation last night, I feel raw and exposed. He has the ability to see right through me and it isn’t a good thing. I have to keep him at a distance today and not get caught alone with him. I have the feeling that is exactly what he’s going to try and do, get me alone. I will be completely helpless if that happens because I have been thinking about him nonstop since I left him in the dust of my rental car, and I’ve been dreaming about him every night. He is starting to break me down, but I’m not going down without a long, hard fight.
I am already at the Good Morning America studio when the guys arrive. They get rushed right into hair and makeup. They are going to be interviewed and also perform the newest single off their new album. I chat with the two anchors that are going to be interviewing the guys, and we go over what can and can’t be asked. Once they are clear and in agreement, I reluctantly go find the guys.
They are all sitting in a dressing room backstage. My eyes land on Everett first; he is color coordinating a bowl of M&M’s on the coffee table in front of the couch. I frown at his pre-show ritual; I’m guessing that it helps calm him. Dean is standing in front of a mirror, fixing his hair, a scowl on his face; apparently, he doesn’t like what the hairstylist did to it. Ace is sprawled on a chaise lounge, unlit cigarette dangling between his lips as he does whatever on his iPhone. Roland and Beau are standing off in a corner talking quietly but heatedly with each other.
Beau looks good…really good. He’s wearing a blue plaid short-sleeved cowboy style button down shirt tucked into his dark blue jeans. No hat today but he is wearing his cowboy boots. He’s left some scruff on his face, making him look older and more gorgeous, if that’s even possible. I like facial hair on men. Everett is the first one to notice me.
“Oh, hey, Lizette,” he greets me with a smile.
All five guys are extremely attractive. It’s no wonder why woman fawn all over them. They are all over six feet tall, all built, some leaner than others, but they are all muscular and cut. I would know, I’ve seen them all in their underwear during a photo shoot last year.
“Hi, Everett,” I smile in return.
I see Beau out of the corner of my eye making his way toward me. I steel myself as he stops next to me. “Lizette, can I talk to you alone?” he asks quietly.
“Not now, Beau, I’m busy and you’re about to go on,” I say dismissively without looking at him. “Now remember to act like gentlemen. Ace, put that disgusting thing away. Dean, sweetie, your hair is perfect. Smile nice and give short, to the point answers, you only have four minutes for the interview. Then you will perform later in the show,” I inform them, completely blowing Beau off.
I sneak a glance at him. He is glowering down at me from where he is standing at my side. His eyes narrow slightly and I get the feeling that he is seeing through me again. His perceptiveness unnerves me sometimes.
I find a way to avoid Beau for the rest of their time at GMA. I leave after I know all of them are safely back in the van they arrived in. I breathe a sigh of relief as I head back to my office to prepare for the next appearance.
Lizette is probably going to kill me for this, but I can’t find it in myself to care at the moment. I have no idea if she is even going to be here. I take the elevator up to the fourteenth floor. Stepping into the hallway, I look at the paper in my hand before looking both ways down the hall. Rob has connections and was able to get Lizette’s home address for me. Like I said, she will most likely kill me for showing up at her door. I go left, glancing at the numbers on the doors, finally reaching her condo. I stand there for a minute, taking a few deep calming breaths before knocking.
A few minutes pass before the door swings open to reveal a guy. A guy? I glance at the number on the paper, then at the number on the door. It’s the right address and Rob assured me that it is Lizette’s home. So who the hell is this guy answering her door? She never said anything about having a boyfriend or being married. Holy shit! Am I poaching on another man’s land?
The guy is about the same height as me. His dark hair looks like he could use a haircut; it’s long enough to curl around his ears and is draping haphazardly over his forehead. His jaw is covered in dark stubble and his green eyes are rimmed in red with dark circles under them. They are the eyes of a tortured soul and my heart breaks for him, whoever he is.
“I’m sorry, I must have the wrong address,” I say with a frown.
One side of the guy’s mouth lifts into a half smile and he shakes his head. “No, you have the right address.” He chuckles quietly.
I frown even harder. “Huh?”
“I know who you are, Beau. Lizette is still at work, I’m Dennis, her brother,” he says, holding out his hand.
I can’t keep the shock off my face as I shake his hand. Dennis laughs.
“Obviously Lizzie never t
old you about me, why don’t you come in?” Dennis offers, moving aside, motioning me in.
I hesitate but take a couple of steps into the condo. He shuts the door behind me then moves down the hallway, motioning for me to follow. I watch him from behind. The man is walking with a distinct limp that I’ve seen in many people who are missing a leg and are wearing a prosthetic. I follow Dennis into the living room of the spacious condo. It’s decorated nicely and I can tell that Lizette lives here. There are little touches of her all around.
“Yeah, I…uh…I had no idea Lizette had a brother, she’s never mentioned you,” I say.
Dennis rolls his eyes and shakes his head as he sits down on the couch. “Not surprised, Lizette likes to keep work and family separate.”
I nod as I sit down next to Dennis. “Understandable.”
I look over at him to find the guy studying me shrewdly, a small smile playing across his mouth. I lift an eyebrow in question. Dennis’ smile widens.
“Still after my little sister’s heart I see,” Dennis murmurs, amusement making his green eyes dance.
I smile sheepishly. “She’s gonna have a hard time getting rid of me.”
Dennis laughs heartily. “Good luck, she’s stubborn, that one.”
“Shit, don’t I know it.” I snort, rubbing the back of my neck.
We laugh together for a moment before I nod to Dennis’ leg.
“Can I ask what happened or am I oversteppin’?” I ask softly.
Dennis clears his throat and shifts uncomfortably. “Nah, it’s okay. I lost my leg just below the knee over in Iraq,” he says.
“Oh yeah? What branch of military are you?” I ask curiously.
“Marines,” he replies.
“I would have never known. Dude, you need a haircut…bad.” I chuckle.
He barks out a surprised laugh and rakes his hands through his hair. “I know. This is the longest I think it’s ever been. I usually shave it all off.” He laughs.
Dennis’ laughter dies down and he glances at me, gratefulness in his eyes. He doesn’t have to say anything. I know exactly what he’s grateful for. He’s grateful that I didn’t ask him how he lost his leg. Obviously, only something horrific had to have happened and I really don’t want to know. I have a cousin in the Army who has been deployed overseas many times and he has taught me the rights and wrongs of what to ask a man or woman in the military. Some things just aren’t up for discussion. This is one of those things.
I give him a nod in understanding. Before we could strike up another conversation, the door opens and in walks Lizette. My heart flutters nervously as I watch her distractedly kick off her shoes and drop her purse to the floor next to the door. The entranceway is a short little hallway that leads into the living room. Her head is down, looking at her phone as she starts to walk into the living room. She rakes her fingers through her hair as she lifts her head, a loving smile on her face.
“Hi Den…” she starts then completely freezes when she sees me sitting on her couch. Her smile is gone in an instant and anger hardens her gaze. “What the hell are you doing here?” she squawks.
“I told you I wanted to talk to you and you went and avoided me all day,” I state, giving her a pointed look.
“How did you get my address?” She snaps.
“I have my ways.” I shrug.
“Get out! I still don’t want to talk to you, so just go!” Lizette yells and points to the door.
“Lizzie,” Dennis scolds. “At least hear the man out.”
“You shut up, this is none of your business,” she snarls, turning her livid green gaze on her brother.
“Oh stop being such a bitch, Lizette,” Dennis says in disgust, making me whip my head around to stare at the brave man with wide eyes.
I swing my head back around to look at Lizette, who is gaping at her brother. I don’t want to cause conflict between them so I stand and head for the door.
“Listen, I’m not here to cause y’all to fight, so I’ll just go,” I say and move past Lizette to go to the door.
I meet her eyes as I pass her; they are simmering with anger. Shit, I knew this wasn’t going to go over well.
“You’re gonna regret it if you let him walk out that door right now, Lizzie,” Dennis says seriously. “At least listen to what he has to say.”
I can’t see Dennis’ face because my back is to him, but I can imagine what his serious face looks like and I’m sure it’s scary as hell. I just touch the doorknob when Lizette grabs my other wrist.
“Beau, wait,” she says softly.
I glance over my shoulder at her. I can see the guilt and defeat in her gaze.
“I’m sorry, just let me go get changed, then we can talk, okay?” she murmurs, searching my eyes.
I nod and let my hand drop away from the doorknob. She gives me a tight smile before disappearing into the room at the end of the hallway. I look over at Dennis, who is looking pretty pissed off right now. He shakes his head at me.
“Don’t let her attitude fool you, Beau, she does like you,” Dennis tells me quietly.
I sigh heavily and nod. Man, I hope he’s right. I shove my hands into my pockets while I wait for Lizette. She returns a couple of minutes later in gray yoga pants and a tank top. Dennis stands, turns toward me and holds his hand out.
“It was really nice meeting you, Beau,” Dennis says.
I shake his hand. “You, too, Dennis.”
“I’ll be in my room,” he says to Lizette and starts down the hall, going into a room and shutting the door behind him.
Lizette goes over to the couch and curls up in one corner, tucking her feet under her butt. She motions for me to sit down. I comply, sitting down next to her, close enough so that our knees are touching. I glance at her. She is staring down at her hands while she picks at her nails. I can see that she is extremely tense and frustrated. Her jaw is locked tight and her usually plump lips are now a thin angry line. I sigh. this is not how I want her to feel about talking to me.
“What is it that you want from me, Beau?” she whispers as if not trusting her voice.
“I want one month, Lizette. Give me one month to prove myself to you,” I rasp.
She lifts her eyes to meet mine. “What happens at the end of the month?”
“I’ll leave that up to you. You can either stay with me or leave,” I say with a shrug.
“If I decide to leave? Then what?” she asks softly.
“I will leave you alone.”
Lizette searches my eyes. “If I say at the end of the month that I don’t want to be with you anymore then you will leave me completely alone?” She asks, her eyes narrowing slightly as if she doesn’t believe me.
“I promise, we will go back to just the manager/client relationship, but you have to really be my girlfriend for a whole month,” I reply. “I know you feel something for me just from the way you kissed me. I want that Lizette for a month. We can get along and have a good relationship if you would just let go and let it happen.”
Lizette sighs and shakes her head. “I don’t know if that’s a good idea, Beau, you’re setting yourself up to get heartbroken,” she murmurs.
“That’s my problem. I just want the chance to try to change your mind about me. Please, Lizette,” I beg, placing my hand on her knee.
“What about sex? Is that something you’re expecting? Because I’m not sure I want to take it that far,” she asks, eyebrow rising in question.
“I’ll follow your lead,” I answer.
“Can you give me the night to think about it?” she asks, her eyes pleading with me to give her time to think.
I nod. “Sure.” I lean forward and kiss her softly on the lips, wanting to give her a little reminder of the chemistry we share.
I linger for only a moment before giving her knee a squeeze and stand. I head for the door, open it, and look back at Lizette. Her face is a mask of swirling emotions, and I can’t figure out what she is feeling. I give her a gentle smile when she lo
oks up at me.
“I’ll call you tomorrow,” I say.
She nods but doesn’t say anything. I walk out of her condo and shut the door behind me. I pray that she accepts my offer because I know that once she gives into her attraction for me, she will want to stay with me. I know that my heart is already falling for her. I have always had a thing for her, but kissing her took my heart up a level in my feelings for her. I will make her mine forever.
Chapter Five
I am sitting backstage in the dressing room watching the guys’ opening bit on Saturday Night Live on the big screen TV that’s hanging on the wall. I can’t help but laugh at their antics, they are seriously funny. My eyes linger on Beau, who after accepting his proposal is now my boyfriend for a month. It is only day one. I had called him this morning to tell him that I will give him a chance. He whooped in my ear, making me have to pull the phone away from my head. My only condition is that we keep this little relationship to ourselves. I don’t want the other guys knowing because it could cause some serious problems after the month is up and I end things with Beau, which I have every intention of doing. I will give him his month, and then he will stop all of this nonsense about us being together and leave me alone. As much as it breaks my heart to hurt him, it has to be done.