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Sweet Renegade Page 20

“Jesus, Lizette, you trying to kill us?” Dean snorts.

  She frowns and shakes her head slightly. “No, Dean, I’m not, but everything that happened with Beau and me really set you guys back. You’ve lost some credibility, so we have to come back even stronger than before. You guys have to be all in and willing to work for what was lost.”

  “Oh, we’re all in, don’t you worry about that,” Ace says firmly. His expression is actually completely serious for once.

  Lizette smiles softly. “Good to know.”

  I can’t help but smile along with her. She looks so beautiful today. Her long hair is up in a bun and her makeup is subtle, making her green eyes pop regardless. She’s wearing a simple black dress today and looking very professional. And of course sexy as sin. I’m trying not to imagine bending her over the desk again, but it’s not working too well. I have to shift in my seat to accommodate my suddenly tight pants.

  “We’re all about hard work, you know this,” Roland adds.

  “I do know, that’s one reason I’ve stuck with you guys for so long,” she jokes.

  Everett raises his hand. I roll my eyes. I don’t know why he always does that.

  “Yes, Everett?” Lizette asks, an amused glint in her eye.

  “Why are there only going to be eight dancers? Can’t we have ten?” he asks anxiously.

  “I’m just going off what the choreographer wants. I can see if she can make it an even ten if you want?” Lizette answers patiently.

  Everett nods jerkily. “Okay, thanks.”

  “Are there any other questions?” Lizette asks, looking at each one of us.

  Her eyes land on me last and she smiles somewhat shyly. We’ve been living together for two weeks now and so far, so good. We’ve worked out the little kinks that go along with moving in with someone. Like, she’s forcing me to put the toilet seat down now. No biggie, I just insist that she sleep naked every night. Let’s just say that the toilet seat gets put down – wink, wink. I really love sleeping next to her every night. I’ve already become accustomed to it and I don’t know how well I’m going to sleep whenever she can’t be there when we’re on the road.

  Tucker moved into the condo with Dennis last week. I helped him move what little he had. A bed, his clothes, some guns, a safe, and one box of sentimental stuff - that was it. He seems like a really nice guy, and he and Dennis have become really close, which is good. Dennis needs someone who’s going to be there when he needs them, not like me, who will be traveling all over the country soon. I know Lizette is happy that Tucker is now in Dennis’ life, too.

  The guys took the news of our engagement pretty well, as did my family. My mother burst into ‘tears of joy’ - what she called them. The fans on the other hand…let’s just say that I did have to hire that bodyguard for Lizette. She’s still not happy about it, but after getting a glass bottle winged at her head, and her car windows smashed, she understands the need. Some fans are supportive, but more than not, they are irate about me being off the market. Like any of them ever had a chance…please.

  We are planning on getting married after the U.S. tour, when we break for a month from all of the stress and traveling. We want a quiet ceremony with only our family and closest friends. Hopefully, we can keep it a secret from the media. I really don’t want paparazzi there ruining it.

  My life is back on track and turning out exactly how I want it to. I have my girl, my career, my friends, and family. What more could a guy ask for?

  “Great, so now that you all know the deal, we can get to work. Tomorrow, 8:00 am, first rehearsal, don’t be late,” Lizette says.

  Groans fill the room, mine being one of them. I hate getting up that early. We all stand. Dean, Ace, Roland, and Everett head for the door while I skirt the desk and turn Lizette’s chair to face me. I drop my hands to the arms of her leather desk chair, caging her in. She uses her index finger to push the brim of my cowboy hat up so that I don’t poke her in the face with it. She’s learned from experience.

  “Will you be home to make me dinner, woman?” I tease.

  She knows I can’t cook to save my life, so I will never be making dinner, but I still like to tease her. She gives me a dry look, making me chuckle. She’s so damn cute. She reaches up to smooth her hands over my shoulders and down my arms. She drops her head back against her chair.

  “I don’t know. I have a lot of work to do,” she mumbles.

  “I can pick something up and come here, we can eat while you work,” I offer.

  She nods. “Okay, that sounds good.”

  I smile and lean down to give her a kiss and she returns it lovingly. Her hand comes up to cup my cheek as our tongues meet. I groan. I will never get enough of her. Her other hand moves to the front of my jeans to rub my rigid erection pressing against the zipper. My mind flashes back to when I took her on her desk. Dammit! We can’t do this right now…or maybe we could…

  I grab her and pull her out of her chair. She squeals as I drag her to the floor behind her desk and cover her with my body. My hat tumbles to the floor above her head. I wedge my hips between her legs. Her breath catches as her eyes darken with desire. I make quick work of undoing my jeans and freeing myself, kissing her fiercely as I yank her thong aside and plunge into her. Lizette gasps against my lips, sending shudders of pleasure down my spine.

  I gather her close and roll my hips against hers. Her legs wrap around my waist, her heels digging into my ass cheeks. I don’t care if it hurts, it’s hot as hell. I slip a hand in between us and rub circles over her swollen clit. She whimpers and arches her back.

  “You gonna come for me, Sugar?” I pant, picking up my pace.

  “Yes,” she breathes.

  I crush my lips to hers. That seems to do it because she moans and starts to tremble. I can feel her pulse around my cock as I pump into her. I push out a harsh breath as my orgasm takes hold. I grab her hip as I grind mine against hers painfully. I come deep inside of her a second later.

  I drop my forehead to her shoulder while we struggle to catch our breaths. When we feel like we can finally move, we get up and head into her private bathroom for a little clean up session.

  Once we’re all put back together, we head back into her office. I go and scoop up my cowboy hat, which is still on the floor, and settle it on my head, brim tipped up. I grab her around the waist before she can sit in her chair and pull her up against me.

  “Alright, Sugar, I’ll let you get back to work, see you in a few hours,” I say with a smirk.

  “Can’t wait,” she says and wags her eyebrows at me.

  I snicker as I stare down into her lovely green eyes. “I love you.”

  She gives me a soft kiss and a smile.

  “I love you, too, my sweet Renegade.”


  Coming Soon…

  Ace Vaughn and Nicole Gionelli’s story:

  Wild Renegade


  I knock on the front door of my best friend’s house. I haven’t seen her in a couple of weeks and I have big news to share with her. I only wait a few moments before one of the most gorgeous men I’ve ever laid eyes on answers the door. Of course, he is my bestie’s husband and completely off limits.

  “Well, well, well, if it isn’t Nicole Gionelli, so nice of you to finally come and visit us again,” he says sarcastically. He is the king of sarcasm.

  “Dude, I was just here a couple of weeks ago,” I mutter as I push past his huge six foot four inch frame.

  “Weeks schmeeks, Mikey has doubled in size in those two weeks!”

  I roll my eyes at the man following me from over my shoulder. “I’ve been really busy, Sebastian, give me a break,” I say.

  Sebastian gives me a bored look. “Doing what?”

  “I’ve had an audition and about a million and one call backs,” I say, shoving my hands on my hips in defiance.

  “Sebastian, leave her alone,” I hear my best friend, Raelynn, say as she comes down the stairs with her son Michael in her a

  Holy shit! He did grow over the last two weeks! Raelynn smiles and gives me a one armed hug.

  “Hi!” She says.


  “Your hair is getting long,” Raelynn notices.

  I touch my dark hair that has now grown down to my shoulders. It used to be short, like up to my chin, short. “Yeah, I felt like letting it grow out. I’ve had it short for so long, I needed a change,” I reply and put my arms out for Mikey - who is two years old now - but he shies away and hugs Raelynn tighter.

  “See, he doesn’t even know who you are anymore,” Sebastian huffs.

  Raelynn and I both shoot him a dirty look.

  “Oh, what? You think looking at me like that hurts my feelings or something?” He scoffs and crosses his muscled arms over his chest.

  Raelynn shakes her head at her husband then starts for the kitchen. I follow, and unfortunately, so does Sebastian. No matter how good looking the man is, there is no way in hell that I could or would ever live with him. I don’t know how Raelynn does it. I’m not going to lie, when I had first met him, I had hoped that I would get the chance to get him into bed, because DAMN! The man is just…WOW…with his blonde hair and bright green eyes, his scruffy jaw and bang-able body. Now that I know him, though? No thanks! Raelynn can have him. Sebastian and I just don’t mesh well.

  “So how did the audition go? I heard you say that you got some call backs?” Raelynn says as she sticks Michael in his booster chair.

  “Yeah, and I got the job!” I exclaim.

  Raelynn’s blonde head whips around to stare at me in shock. She knew what job I was going for. Her mouth drops open and her eyes widen. “You got the job?” She breathes.

  I grin and nod.

  Raelynn squeals and comes running to me. She throws her arms around my neck, which makes me have to bend down because she’s a lot shorter than I am. I hug her back and laugh.

  “Oh my god, I’m so happy for you!” She cries.

  “Someone wanna tell me what job you’re talking about?” Sebastian asks dryly.

  Raelynn lets me go and turns to her husband. “Nicole is going to be a backup dancer for Renegade!”

  Sebastian blinks at her, not having a clue what she is talking about.

  “They are the biggest boy band out there right now. I’m gonna be going on tour with them and dancing on stage during the concerts,” I inform him.

  “Oooh!” Sebastian replies, finally understanding who I’m talking about. “Ahhhh! Like OMG! They are like so effing hot! They make me want to like throw my panties at them!” Sebastian shrieks in a valley girl voice that he does way too well and runs around the kitchen table like a girl, arms flailing.

  Michael, of course, thinks it’s hysterical and is cracking up as he watches his father running around like a complete dumbass. I send Raelynn a sideways glance and she just shakes her head at me. She knows her husband is a weirdo.

  “So when are you leaving?” Raelynn asks, ignoring Sebastian who is now actually singing one of Renegade’s most popular songs and doing the dance moves from the music video.

  I gape at him. “How the hell does he know that?” I whisper to Raelynn.

  “Adalyn likes them and watches their music videos. So whenever we go to Henry and Claire’s house, it’s usually on.” Raelynn chuckles.

  Henry is Sebastian’s older brother, and Adalyn is his daughter. Raelynn and Henry’s wife, Claire, were pregnant at the same time and actually had their babies on the same day. Although, Michael’s birth was completely insane! Raelynn couldn’t make it to the hospital in time and had Mikey in the car with Sebastian playing catcher.

  “But Adalyn is only two years old,” I say in confusion.

  Raelynn shrugs. “I know.”

  I shake my head and focus back on Raelynn. “I’m leaving tonight.” I frown, knowing that it’s really short notice.

  Raelynn frowns also. “How long will you be gone for?”

  “We have to rehearse for a month before the tour. The U.S. tour is six months, we then have a month break before the World tour, which is another six months,” I tell her.

  “Oh man, that’s really long!” Raelynn pouts.

  “I know, but it’s going to be so worth it, and awesome for building my resume,” I remind her.

  “I’m gonna miss you,” Raelynn sniffs and hugs me.

  I stay for about an hour, talking some more about the tour, and then say our goodbyes before I head home to do some packing. I’ve already talked to my landlord about my being gone and he’s pretty cool, so he didn’t have any problem with it and he said that he would even keep an eye on my apartment for me. I set up my rent to come right out of my checking account every month, so I don’t have to worry about it being late. My mom is going to take care of all of my other mail, which I am having forwarded to her house.

  That night, my parents, Elena and Gaetano – who everyone calls Guy – and my younger sister, Gina, drive me to the train station where I am going to catch the train up to New York. That is where the month of rehearsals are taking place. That is where I’m going to be living out of a hotel room for a month, ugh, so not looking forward to that! I check into my hotel room by 11:00 pm and get settled in. I take a shower, dry my hair, and go to bed. I need to be well rested for tomorrow.

  Rehearsal starts at 8:00 am. I’m nervous and excited at the same time. The choreographer, Kara, emailed me all of the info I need regarding where to go and what studio number to meet in. I wear my standard black leggings, tank top, and a baggy t-shirt that hangs off one shoulder. I put my dance shoes in a small duffle bag along with a towel and a water bottle then head out the door.

  About the Author

  Andria is married and a stay at home mother with two crazy little girls and two psychotic cats. She doesn't go anywhere without her precious iPhone and a purse full of animal crackers. She used to be completely obsessed with the Backstreet Boys, but now is only mildly obsessed (still goes to every concert when they are in town). She loves cartoons and Disney movies, and can probably recite every line from Dumb and Dumber. Humor is a must in her life; otherwise, it would be completely boring. Pepsi is her weakness, along with anything chocolate. She can’t sing to save her life, but she pretends she can when she is alone in her car with the music blasting so that she can’t hear herself. And don’t mess with her family because she will fuck you up.

  She loves to read Romance. Paranormal, Scottish, Military, Police, Firefighters, Athletes, Cowboys and M/M are her favorite. She is not so much a fan of YA, though. If you haven’t been able to tell from reading her books, she likes - whether she is reading them or writing them - lots of hot steamy sex.

  Andria loves her fans and is always willing to chat. She works hard on her books, does not get offended easily, and has a pretty thick skin when it comes to negativity toward her work. She welcomes constructive criticism because she feels that is how one betters themselves, by taking that constructive criticism and using it.